Ensure Your Video gets a Great ROI
Mention filmmaking and the imagination leaps to the cast and crew, the camera, the lights and the action, but that’s not really where the...

Video Marketing for the Mile High Club
Summer is almost here! The warmer temperatures tend to bring lots of vacations to faraway places, making this a busy season for air...

What Drives Creativity?
Creativity. What is it good for? Working as a Creative Producer in a creative industry my feeling is that Creativity is such an overused...

How to Make Shit-hot Corporate Videos, Episode 1
I work with Communications and Marketing professionals. You may be one of these people. I hope you are. I make videos for them/you....

What Men Fear Most
I’ve just watched a fabulous short film. What Men Fear Most. In an enacted piece of poetry by Elliot Barnes-Worrell the voice-over...

Golden rules for making a homepage video
“I want to put a short video on my homepage that is going to entice people to explore more ... what are the golden rules/top tips?” asked...